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Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Cystitis Problem in Women Causes and Symptoms

Women suffer from a lot of diseases at least once in their entire lifetimes. Cystitis is one of them. A woman is more prone to cystitis than a man because of the length of her urethra. Since the urethra is small, it is easier for the bacteria and other infectious germs climb through it and enter the body.

 Definition of Cystitis

Cystitis is a name given to a process in which the human bladder suffers inflammation. The causes of this inflammation might be infections, bruises or even irritation. In some cases, cystitis occurs because of the combination of the above mentioned factors.

Why Are Women More Prone To Have Cystitis?

According to researchers, women have been discovered to be more prone to cystitis than men. The reason is quite natural. The tube present outside the body of a female, urethra, which goes inside and connects to the bladder, is very short. The approximate length is 5 cm or 2 inches. Since the tube is very short, if any bacteria or infectious germs enter in the tube, it’s easier for the germ to enter the body as the distance to the internal organ is very short. While in men, the same tube is almost 7 inches long, thus it’s difficult for the bacteria go all the way up and then reach the bladder. On the plus side for the bacteria, the opening of the urethra is very much in between the anus and vagina of the woman. Thus, making it even easier for the germ to enter the bladder.

The Symptoms

Some of the women out there might not be aware of the fact that they have already suffered from cystitis. Here are some symptoms that will make you realize whether you have or not suffered from this infectious disease:

Urinating after short intervals: the women suffering from cystitis have an uncontrollable feeling that they have to urinate after very short intervals. These intervals may be of as little as 5 minutes or as much as an hour. And when they go to the bathroom, they usually don’t feel like urinating anymore.
Pain during urination: women might suffer from a pain that seems to have a burning effect on their urinary tract while urination.

Nausea: the women might be in a condition of feeling sick and tired all the time.

Abnormal urine: in some cases of cystitis, the urine of the woman might be abnormal. That means it might have an overwhelming and intolerant odor. The color of the urine might not be normal, and there might be some blood in the urine as well.

Pains: the patient of cystitis might suffer from body pains. These pains are often in the lower abdomen or back.

Feverish feeling: the patients might feel that they have a fever all the time. In some cases, the patients really suffer from fever but in some cases, they just feel that they have won.


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