Happy Saturday Quotes Tumblr Cover Photos Wllpapepr Images In Hinid And sayings For Girls Taglog Pics Love
Happy Saturday Quotes Biography
Source(google.com.pk)I’ve been meaning to say thank you to all, but congrats to Joell, who, on September 27th, was my 6000th visitor since April 20th, and Euni, who, exactly 1 month earlier on August 27th, was my 5000th visitor! I’m sending you both GIANT HUGS because I love you and am thankful that you’ve been my faithful blog friends for so long.
As you can see, my publishing schedule has changed somewhat. So…being prepared well-ahead of the game is just not happening as we approach mid-semester (YES I KNOW. IT’S NOT EVEN OCTOBER YET).
Schedule changes: I am not going to besmirch the administration or complain. Well, yes, I’m going to complain, as I have been doing since August 20th, that I don’t like that the semester started early. The early start gives us a ‘fall break’ and a longer Thanksgiving break. And then ends at the same time as normal.
I have to say, the fall semester always seemed interminably long to begin with simply because we didn’t have a break from Labor Day until Thanksgiving. And we didn’t have Labor Day off for a long time, well, ever! But now, I can’t even imagine making through these intensive months working 15-hour days with a ‘fall break’ and a longer Thanksgiving, which is still at the very stinkin’ end of the semester.
You may notice that I have put quotes around “fall break”. I have done that because “fall break” occurs the week after next and it is….[drum roll please] FRIDAY OFF!
OK, I’m done with that.
The definition of irony: you have the time and luxury to lie abed for awhile because you have a day before you have to go back to work (giving an exam tomorrow) and so you retire early and lay there like a slug watching back-to-back episodes of The Haunted with blessedly empty mind, then go brush your teeth and take your medicine and drift off to sleep. And you think, wow, I can get a full 8 hours! And you intend to. And then you wake up at 2 AM, and then again at 4 AM and then you drift off really well and are all ready for some straight-through sleep until you wake up again and realize that if you stay in bed any longer your back will be sore for the rest of the day. Yup. My bed is so wonderful that any longer than 10 hours in a prone position and my back goes.
Balance: I think we all look for it, instinctively. Except me. I’m wired weird. I, for some reason, can’t. I’m all or nothing, all in or I fold, dedicated and passionate for what I believe in and the people in my life that I love. I’m usually never lukewarm. No, I’m never ever lukewarm.
But that comes with a price, I guess, and in over half a century of living, I’ve never learned balance…I’ve never learned how to not give my whole heart to something I believe in…to be cautious, to be wary; tread lightly. If I’m not jumping in with both feet, I’m not jumping in at all. I can’t just wade in slowly. I’m either dashing in in a dither or paralyzed.
What’s that all about? People have all kinds of explanations for why someone is the way they are. It’s because you’re an Aries! It’s because you have AB negative blood type! It’s because you were born in the Year of the Rooster! It’s because you’re a Meyers-Briggs INFP!
But all of that is just ad hoc theorizing on a hypothesis that never existed to begin with. You observe someone’s particular characteristics and then find a way to explain it all…in some all-encompassing way. ”Women are wired differently than men, and that’s why she acts the way she does,” or “He’s acting like that because Venus is in retrograde.” I think the best you can say here is that activity is uniquely human.
I am who I am, and not only can’t explain why, but can’t change. Black or white, all or nothing, no shades of gray (and no comments on the books, please…please.) And despite the fact that it invariably leads to great pain, and rarely, too rarely, great joy, I am never inspired to develop leanings toward the middle. Or even try.
Maybe I’m just weird.
So I’m all work and no play. All in with my whole heart or nothing at all. Now you know. What kind of person are you? Do you spend much time thinking about that? And about changing it? I wouldn’t even know how to begin. STH! Is your couch open for business today?
Have a lovely weekend… I’m going to spend the remainder of my Saturday answering student email and trying to straighten up the house that has been neglected during a 70-hour work week. I need me some….
Happy Saturday Quotes Tumblr Cover Photos Wllpapepr Images In Hinid And sayings For Girls Taglog Pics Love
Happy Saturday Quotes Tumblr Cover Photos Wllpapepr Images In Hinid And sayings For Girls Taglog Pics Love
Happy Saturday Quotes Tumblr Cover Photos Wllpapepr Images In Hinid And sayings For Girls Taglog Pics Love

Happy Saturday Quotes Tumblr Cover Photos Wllpapepr Images In Hinid And sayings For Girls Taglog Pics Love

Happy Saturday Quotes Tumblr Cover Photos Wllpapepr Images In Hinid And sayings For Girls Taglog Pics Love

Happy Saturday Quotes Tumblr Cover Photos Wllpapepr Images In Hinid And sayings For Girls Taglog Pics Love
Happy Saturday Quotes Tumblr Cover Photos Wllpapepr Images In Hinid And sayings For Girls Taglog Pics Love

Happy Saturday Quotes Tumblr Cover Photos Wllpapepr Images In Hinid And sayings For Girls Taglog Pics Love
Happy Saturday Quotes Tumblr Cover Photos Wllpapepr Images In Hinid And sayings For Girls Taglog Pics Love

Happy Saturday Quotes Tumblr Cover Photos Wllpapepr Images In Hinid And sayings For Girls Taglog Pics Love
Happy Saturday Quotes Tumblr Cover Photos Wllpapepr Images In Hinid And sayings For Girls Taglog Pics Love
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